#AlevAlev 25. Bölüm #düğünümüzvar: My commentary (a thread)

I have been a bit spoiled by social media for this episode, and honestly the trailers felt very spoilery so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also having an unclear number of eps left makes the plot direction hard to predict.

( @catolen)
Also before we begin: the more time passes the more disappointed I am with #Ömrü. Since the fist fight, Ömer has spiraled out of character. While I’m glad they’re finally back together, everything feels like a bandaid now, and not as good as it could’ve been. #düğünümüzvar
Why must we open the ep with Ç*çder... do they want me to turn it off and not watch further? I hate couples that only exist bc a show is trying to cater to fans... #düğünümüzvar
Lol I love that we’re arresting Adnan (again) right away. Good riddance. #düğünümüzvar
Romeo & Juliet, is that you? 👀
(I’m so tired, so today’s commentary might be snarkier than usual…)
Okay but Ömer going crazy bc Ozan was attacked? Actually in character. #düğünümüzvar
Oh cool, faking Ozan’s death. What could go wrong... #düğünümüzvar
We have so little of this show left, do we really need to spend time on Adnan’s mom? (No)
Again, we’re spending time with Evil Lawyer. Are we really spending time to give Adnan a redemption arc?? Is he just going to suddenly realize he’s evil and help take down Çelebi? Istg if a man takes down Çelebi after all the main women have been through... #düğünümüzvar
As always, Çelebi’s theme music is a highlight for me #düğünümüzvar
I know he’s not dead bc of spoilers so can we speed this along? I know I’ve said before that Çelebi deserves his punishment alive, but Cemre would be safer if he’s dead. Will the show really kill him a second time? #düğünümüzvar
Okay I don’t like that Cemre and Ozan are fighting but Cemre is v right. Ozan needs to LISTEN to her! Calm down about the ring, jesus #düğünümüzvar
Oh shut up Ozan this isn’t about love!!! Stop making this about you #düğünümüzvar
Yes, more Hanım! #düğünümüzvar
No, more Zeyno 🙄 I don’t want to spend time being annoyed at a badly written female character #düğünümüzvar
I’m cringing about Ömrü rehashing them getting back together like it was a cute reunion and not mediocre writing at best #düğünümüzvar
-Can I say I love you?
-I love you
=I love you too

Okay that bit was cute #Ömrü #düğünümüzvar
I have no interest in Çiçek, İskender, or Hülya and yet they’re all on my screen


We get it, he’s fake dead, isko grief falan falan okay new scene please #düğünümüzvar
So they’re still shooting without Güneş’ actress? I wonder why #düğünümüzvar
See if they didn’t spoile everything with the trailers, I’d be curious to know why Rüya’s not answering her phone. But I know why so there’s no stakes for me as a viewer :/ #düğünümüzvar
This proposal is going to be so unnecessarily dramatic, I can tell. But having Uzun be involved the way he always is for mahalle schemes makes me smile #düğünümüzvar
Ngl I hate grand gesture proposals. Like, this is intimate between them so it’s better, but I get so much secondhand embarrassment from things like this.

ALSO they just got back together TODAY. Maybe just continue dating for a *little bit* more #düğünümüzvar
They’re cute but I’m still cringing #Ömrü #düğünümüzvar
Okay but I approve that there’s food there because their/Ömer’s love language is food #düğünümüzvar
Wait I thought we just did the proposal. We’re doing it again? 30 seconds later? Okay then lol #düğünümüzvar
Okay but the trailer could have totally blindsided us and shown Uzun saying that Rüya was being chased. And then we could’ve been surprised by the proposal. But no, we are spoiled by the show promo itself for the sake of clicks... #düğünümüzvar
Okay but I love Ozan’s laugh when Rüya says she proposed. It’s the same laugh for when Ömer was grinning like an idiot in ep 3 after spending time with Rüya #düğünümüzvar
Why Zeyno why... why are the writers forcing her to stay? She has a job and a life to get back to! She said so herself a few eps back!! #düğünümüzvar
I feel kinda bad that Cemre’s going to feel safe for a bit, and then have that taken away from her when it’s revealed Çelebi is alive... #düğünümüzvar
Also did Zeyno not tell Ozan about his mom? Oh good he’s just not picking up the phone 😑 #düğünümüzvar
Oh shut up, Hülya #düğünümüzvar
This might be a good montage if I were in the mood but for now I’m skipping through it. I do love this song though #düğünümüzvar
So the show didn’t try at all to find a realistic looking pic. This is a screen cap from after Ömer sings at the karaoke bar. They could’ve at least used a cast bts candid of Dilan and Cihangir but no... #düğünümüzvar
Again, we can all guess that the funeral is fake so I have no interest spending time here #düğünümüzvar
Wait wtf Zeyno?? Internet hate comments against Rüya??? For a show about women supporting other women this is... doubly disappointing #düğünümüzvar
Also, we really had Seher hanım have an ENTIRE heart attack, huh? There’s no way she’s ever going to accept Cemre, not after this ☹️ #düğünümüzvar
Yeah see I was right. One step forward, two steps back for Seher’s character growth/lack thereof #düğünümüzvar
I love Cemre so much, I want more scene of her just getting to live her life before the show is over #düğünümüzvar
So is Cemre going to keep her promise and never be with Ozan? Or will Seher die before the finale and they’ll get together? Neither version sounds appealing ☹️ #düğünümüzvar
OOOOOOOF comparing him to Çelebi.... like, Ozan has been pushy lately, but this is SAD #düğünümüzvar
The writers are clearly out of ideas, just let us end the show already! Ömrü are going to fight about the press like children, bc we have this Zeyno hate mail plot line (seriously wtf) #düğünümüzvar
Surprise surprise, Çelebi is alive. No one is shocked bECAUSE TGE TRAILERS GIVE EVERYTHING AWAY #düğünümüzvar
So many people were involved with taking this suicide. Almost too many #düğünümüzvar
I’m also worried that they’re going to ruin Çelebi’s character and make him a caricature during this… so far he’s been a uncomfortably realistic villain end it was so important for them to show that, to show how an abuser can keep winning and how frustrating it is #düğünümüzvar
Again, too much screen time with the villain characters. #düğünümüzvar
Oh good Çiçek is here with isko too 🙄 Why is he so upset?? He’s been anti Çelebi for months now. Is this just so we have a scene where Çiçek comforts him? Gross #düğünümüzvar
Again, another disappointing “take” from a show about abused women and standing up to violence, evil, and oppression 🙄🙄🙄 #düğünümüzvar
Skip skip skip # ç*çder #düğünümüzvar
Enoughhhhhhh Zeyno, just go home #düğünümüzvar
I still have an hour (oh my god) left, but I’m honestly not feeling this episode
Ozan is all “nothing will happen to me, don’t worry” to his mom, but with Cemre he goes “if I die so be it, we’ll deal with it” like???? So we know he knows how to be comforting. Why can’t he do that to the traumatized woman that he loves? #düğünümüzvar
Oh good, another montage (the song isn’t as good as the last one imo). Ömer does look good in blue/not black though! #düğünümüzvar
Aww Cemre being excited about the wedding is very sweet #düğünümüzvar
Just what we were missing: Serkan. I love that he just peaces out though 😂 #düğünümüzvar
Aaaaand we finally have the episode’s required Altan x Tomris scene lol #düğünümüzvar
It’s sweet but also Ömer getting involved with Rüya and Çiçek seems like a dangerous move... #düğünümüzvar
Is Hülya an idiot to leave all the boat documents out in the open? Also, I don’t need a crime solving duo from ç*çder rn, pls don’t make me watch it #düğünümüzvar
Do we really need Serkan to come to this wedding? (No.) #düğünümüzvar
See Cemre got so little peace ☹️☹️☹️ #düğünümüzvar
Oh good keeping a secret from Rüya, because that’s historically worked out well... #düğünümüzvar
I love seeing happy Cemre with Rüya. Also happy Hanım omg #düğünümüzvar
Is Güneş not going to be at Rüya’s wedding? ☹️ that’s sad #düğünümüzvar
Oh my gOD Zeyno just leave. Her being there wasn’t necessary #düğünümüzvar
Ozan and Cemre as witnesses though 👌🏼 #düğünümüzvar
Adding this tweet here from before because I accidentally added it to the wrong part of the thread:

Uzun can add wedding planner/decorator to his resume, I guess 😂 #düğünümüzvar
I don’t like seeing sad OzCem ☹️ Turkish show weddings are never 100% happy... #düğünümüzvar
Okay poor Çiçek. I can spare her a little sympathy #düğünümüzvar
Does Çelebi really get away? Come on now #düğünümüzvar
Oh good, he’s gonna come back because Ozan isn’t dead. Amazing. #düğünümüzvar
This show is going to try to have some sort of epic showdown isn’t it? And it won’t work because it hasn’t been building to one. Hi welt at this point it would’ve made more sense narratively of Çelebi HAD committed suicide. Ama neyse #düğünümüzvar
We have to end on Çelebi being where he shouldn’t be again? Sighhhhhhh #düğünümüzvar
Well that happened, I guess. Defiantly not my favorite episode. And idk if next week is the finale or if they’re going until 28, what I hear keeps changing. #düğünümüzvar
I honestly have no idea how they’ll wrap this show up, and at this point I’d rather they do it sooner rather than later, to keep us from going any more off course. #düğünümüzvar
I can’t think of anything else to say rn, but if I remember any tomorrow all add them to this thread.

İyi geceler herkese 😴 #düğünümüzvar
(Also I’m noticing all of the annoying autocorrections my phone made while I was multitasking and 😡)
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