we need to have a serious talk about underlying transphobia in mcyt / mcyt fandoms.

mini thread about how i feel about it

warnings for: // transphobia , ice , karl situation , greekgodx , KSI , schlatt / jschlatt
disclaimer; this is just my opinion as a trans nonbinary person. not all trans people will think the same as i do.
First of all, I wanna talk about the multiple instances of big accounts making transphobic jokes. Luckily, most if not all of these have been called out, but none of them were called out right when they made the joke. I can’t believe this needs to be said, but please do not make-
trans jokes when you’re cis. just because its a fandom joke doesn’t mean its yours. i’ve been seeing it talked about more but it’s still being talked over a bit. I just wanted to clear it up a bit. don’t make jokes about a minority group you’re not in. It’s not your place.
Second of all, I want to talk about how transphobia gets wiped under the rug far too often in regards to addressing cc’s past. Regarding karl, ice has said and done multiple transphobic things (shown below). it’s exhausting knowing that he’s done these things and karl continued-
to associate with him. one of these are on his public youtube, where he outwardly calls a trans woman a “trap”. Blatantly transphobic.

Next is greekgodx. its not hard to find proof of him being transphobic at all, just search “greekgodx trans” on youtube and you’ll find a bunch-
of stuff that pops up, as recent as a year or two ago.

now, karl has recently as 2 months ago stayed in contact with greekgodx. it’s completely exhausting seeing someone who claims to be as big of an ally as karl interact with someone who was acting like this so recently.
pictures showing that he was associated with these people. Ice is the one in the real life picture.
I’m not saying that karl is transphobic. I’m only saying that the way he acts around trans people is very different from the people he associates with and that is a genuine issue. if he truly stood for trans rights he would do so starting with the people he surrounds himself-
with. it’s genuinely hurtful seeing a streamer you look up to associate with people who have no genuine concern for you as a human because of the gender you identify as. Especially when we didn’t get an apology for it all. It hurts.
// ksi , schlatt

then there’s tommyinnit. tommy has consistently surrounded himself with people who have multiple transphobic controversies. It’s no secret. KSI has been extremely open about his transphobia on the internet and tommy borderline profits off of it. He calls KSI-
a “wrongen” constantly but does nothing to distance himself from it, even going as far as to meet up with him in real life. this may just be for clout, but it is genuinely hurtful to the trans community to see a transphobe put on a pedestal for being a bad person.
next is schlatt. schlatt has had an EXTREMELY high amount of controversies ranging in all different kinds of communities and yet tommy continues to associate with schlatt, even saying once that schlatt was someone he looked up to, making jokes about how schlatt says slurs-
although he can’t make jokes like those. again, i don’t think tommy himself is a transphobe, i just think that the people he surrounds himself with are and that completely undermines his ally-ship of the trans community. it hurts when you see a cc you look up to interact and-
collaborate with people who go completely against you.
I’m really really tired, so this is the end of the thread. please make sure you’re holding ccs accountable for transphobia.

again, please remember that these are just my opinions. that’s all.
please rt the top tweet of this thread. it’s genuinely important and needs to get out there. there’s so many more things i could address in this thread but it’s exhausting talking about your own community getting hurt
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