COULD YOU MAKE A GENETICALLY TARGETED WEAPON? Rather than specifically triggering the toxic effects of organisms such as anthrax, the Sunshine project warned in 2004 that weapons based on a new medical technique called:***RNA interference (like in the vax) THREAD:
(2)”... could shut down vital genes. If the sequence of the target gene varies between two different populations the technique could be used to interrupt key body functions in one population and not the other. "If as little as 10% or 20% of a target population would be affected,
(3)”... this would wreak havoc among enemy soldiers on a battlefield or in an enemy society as a whole..”

*** “The prospect that rogue scientists could develop bioweapons designed to target certain groups based on their genetic differences was raised in a report in 2004..
(4)”... the British Medical Association (BMA).
The report, Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity II, warns that construction of genetic weapons "is now approaching reality". Such "genetic bombs" could contain anthrax or bubonic plague tailored to activate only when genes...
(5)”... indicated the infected person was from a particular group.

***The report says the combination of human genome studies, the development of vectors capable of introducing harmful material to cells and new ways to disrupt genes should raise concerns about potential misuse.
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