Every man on Twitter should watch this so you can see EXACTLY how obvious it is when a girl is disturbed even when being polite. Then tell me again how a man is just trying to make conversaaation when he’s ignoring EVERY screaming sign. https://twitter.com/chris_notcapn/status/1387756701525422087
She’s polite bcuz we never know what will escalate, what will become screaming, or assault, or death. She’s scared bcuz he is ignoring EVERY signal, willfully & delightedly, & that is the threat. That is THE MESSAGE.
And you know what he would say? “I was just talking, she smiled, she told me her name, she was friendly!” She wasn’t friendly & he knows that SO WELL, & he is checking to see if he can wear down her panic, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a predator. Familiar in every way.
Btw, this baby was so assertive for a teenager. I would have been smiling like a terrified jack-o-lantern at that age. She was verrrry cool to him & did not let him force a handshake. Wow.
And NEVER FORGET, all of his friends would’ve said the same thing. “He was just talking to her! Calm down!” Yeah, we know YOU too.
Just a note that I do my best to respond to anyone sharing vulnerable stories or just acknowledging the stress of this shit, but this went wide, so I'm so sorry if I missed you. And I'm sorry this is such a common thread for almost all of us.
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