Did you know that @HRSonline has had six women presidents?


*** SIX (!!!!!!) ***
(This might be the most of any cardiac society?)

#WomeninEP #MadamePresident #WomeninCardiology #ACCWIC
This is pretty darned groundbreaking.

In a recent study of medical societies from @JulieSilverMD et al in @JAMAInternalMed between 2008-2017:

♂️ president 82.6% in 10years
♀️ president 17.4% in 10 years
*10 societies had ZERO women presidents in 10y*


. #Womenincardiology are lost through a leaky pipeline that begins even before the *idea* of becoming a doctor enters our brains. This persists for various reasons throughout our careers. Here's a slide from @purviparwani with some data :

#WomeninEP #ACCWIC
Electing a #WomeninEP as #MadamePresident = highest level role modelling for the some of the earliest & leakiest parts of the pipline.

Many ♀️ residents don't even consider cardiology & even fewer (6%) choose #EPeeps

If you can't see it you can't be it

Continuing to elect #WomeninEP & #WomeninCardiology as #MadamePresident recognizes the important contributions & expertise of mid/later career ♀️ cardiologists.

Many are under-recogized/unsupported/passed over for opportunites leading to "invisibilty"

(➡️Leaky pipeline!)
Electing #WomeninEP / #WomeninCardiology as #MadamePresident is #SheforShe!

Data show that women leaders hire more women compared to when men lead, advancing and promoting other women, who in turn, continue to provide opportunites for more women.

What may be even more important is that when *men* advocate for #WomeninEP or #WomeninCardiology (especially in a field that is majority male), **more men are likley to become #HeforShe **

(see our discussion here https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.019321
& also this: https://alltogether.swe.org/2019/04/the-importance-of-male-allies-a-review-of-the-literature/)
Women and men cannot do this in silos. It takes conscious effort by organizations & institutions to *step up* to recognize women's contributions & strive for gender equity.

This is why the election of 6 #WomeninEP as #MadamePresidents is so important: @HRSonline STEPPED UP.
So here's to more #MadamePresidents in the future.

(Like #RBG, I won't be satisfied until all med/STEM societies have more women in leadership positions!)

Watch luminary #WomeninEP #MadamePresdient interviews in the link


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