i got did dirty. Im sorry for being the streamer everyone watched, 2017-2018 was a different time and edginess was perceived differently. Im so tired of getting thrown under the bus though, i've done my dues and have changed for the better...ITS BEEN YEARS...cont
judge someone for the present, not the past. Refusing to let people change is terrible, because we've all been young and dumb before, humans aint perfect so stop pretending like they are. Also to you MC stans, EVERYONE WAS EDGY BACK IN 2017-2018, you just werent born yet
Also...to all streamers, if you allow your fans to dictate your life or how you should think and who you should fucking follow on twitter, then it won't end well. Trust me, I use to let my fans dictate my entire life and it didn't go well. Be your own person everyone.
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