
thread of karl's stream if i forgot anything feel free to add on. he said he wants to clarify anything ppl have questions on, so i'l be tagging him in this thread in order to give a spot for him to see questions+reply @honkkarl @KarlJacobs_ @THEHONKBOY

he didnt want to tweet it he wanted to discuss on stream.
he apologised in advance if he stumbled on words and said if anyone needs clarifying he will clarify.
he gave some background and context to what happened and why he's addressing it in case ppl didn't know.

when speaking about how he used to support an incredibly bad person, he said he doesnt want anyone to "associate that garbage" with him "because its just not true" he's sorry for it and he appreciates us a lot for hearing him out

he addressed the chat stuff and he said he's never once used tryhard as a racist thing. he explained what it meant in the beginning of twitch and how now it has racist implications i forgot the actual word.
he said hes not trying to make excuses he just wants to explain.

he understands he hurt people and is sorry, he knows words dont mean much and he will follow up with actions

addressing the antisemitic remark(s):
he said theyre disgusting and he was referencing ice poseidon which was a joke abt his nose not big noses in general. he knows now though

he said hes sorry if he offended anyone, then corrected himself and said he's sorry no matter what, he knows people were hurt and he never wanted to do that
he only had notes of what he wants to talk about because he wanted to come from the heart

he said thank you for hearing him out/listening, he didn't know what else to say and he ended.

if this isn't ur apology to accept dont comment "well I'm not ___ but i-" no this isn't for u i put this together for ppl that couldnt watch, not for u to comment ur privilege.

i adapted this from when i was live-updating my friend, so if the grammar is a little odd thats why. if you arent asking a question make sure to untag in order to allow the important things to be seen. rts are appreciated given more ppl than just my followers couldnt watch.
chat's privilege was showing. stop apologizing to the streamer who is addressing bad things they've done and acting like it's a bad thing they were called out and asked to address something. be better allies. https://twitter.com/IM_0RI0N_Z3R0/status/1387924105341464576?s=20
You can follow @IM_0RI0N_Z3R0.
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