There is a certain kind of man who is unable or unwilling to cope with others expressing views that threaten his own sense of what has happened, or ought to happen. Such men cannot abide girls and women, in particular, evincing their own, legitimate sense of epistemic entitlement
to state what is happening in the world, or what has to change, going forward. They do not react merely by strenuously disagreeing with a girl or woman in this position. Indeed, they often seem to lack the wherewithal—or, again, the willingness—to disagree with her whatsoever.
They instead want to shut her up, or to head off the very possibility of disagreement, by denying that her word has any meaning or merit whatsoever (she’s crazy, or she’s evil—so, either way, anything she says is beneath consideration).
Or such a man instead imaginatively conjures up a world in which he and his ilk have the power to make her eat her words—in this case, by shoving something down her throat, thus silencing her forever.
Strikingly, he is liable throughout this to feel like the justified, or even aggrieved, party. (From Entitled, Chapter 8)
The same can be said, mutatis mutandis, of such men wrt non-binary people.
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