OMG - Lynette Danylchuk's webinar tonight is SO GOOD that I am sitting here SOBBING in the most beautiful way.
She explained the brain, dissociation, and window of tolerance in the most simple ways - but included why DBT and EMDR don't always work for trauma peeps.
She threw out why using the person/client's words ("alters" or "parts" or "system" or "Plural") matters, and that's when I lost it.
And before I could recover, she straight up said that therapy helps improve brain healing and "integrate the trauma - not the parts.... that's up to them."
Peoples, this is legit clinical information for the general public, but done beautifully and sensitively and wisely with cultural humility. My tears are in response to the beauty of it, not because I am falling apart or outside my W of T.
#TherapistTwitter #trauma #dissociation
@lisadanylchuk please tell her how stinking proud we are of her! She is rocking this! For serious!
She said that it is "dissociative adaption, not a dissociative disorder, because brains are doing what brains are meant to do to stay alive"!!!
Now she is talking intersectionality, including gender, class, sexuality, disability, immigrant status, etc.
@assoc1counsell you people are changing the world!
I'm not even kidding here! love love love!!!!
"Microaggressions have an effect that is both cumulative and compounding" - YES.
This is such good stuff! I can't even!
Global trauma actually feels "better" to complex/developmental trauma survivors because congruence with their lived experience - the world really is a hard place to live, and hard things really do happen.
YES, yes, yes, yesssssss.
"Grounding is about caring for the nervous system, not about dismissing/dissociating big feelings or signals your body is trying to tell you."
"No one is miserable on purpose. If they are miserable, it means they are doing all they can and it's not working."
"Don't take away anything from them. They need what they have. There are reasons they have what they do, or reasons why they do what they do. Only add to their choices. Don't take away from them what they know how to do. Just add skills. And presence."
If behavior is not "appropriate", then address it directly for safety for everyone... but also address it with kindness.
Every time we talk about something hard, she follows it up with a break of beautiful pictures of nature, AND SO I KEEP CRYING because this is such a beautifully well-done presentation.
I don't think I can handle this level of attunement and care, even though this is Zoom and she doesn't even know I'm here and can't see me. But I feel like she *KNOWS* and is teaching everything our community has been pleading for... for decades. It's happening, peeps!
Discussing Karpman's triangle, and emphasizing non-judgment of anyone (or any insider) in any role. No judgment, no shaming. LOVE HER.
She called it "dissociative identity adaption" again, instead of disorder!!
OH! She's talking about that thing where we always think everyone is mad at us when they have a still face or flat affect (because BRAINS)... and how that means danger to us and how easy it is to just check in about it to reassure us and maintain safety. WEEPING.
AHHH!!! She mentioned medical trauma!!!
Her cat is saying hello!
DEAD. This is the best workshop EVER.
Talking to us (narrating) helps because we are ALWAYS scared. It also helps bring our cortex back online.
Peoples, this was one of the best trainings EVER.
So stinking grateful for her and what she's doing, and what a thing to see it done RIGHT. THANK YOU!
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