I just watched @ginamartinuk TedTalk on up skirting. And as a guy who believes in body autonomy, I can sadly say I never thought of this issue. And I'm pretty sure we don't have any laws in the US against it.
I didn't think about it cause I didn't know it happens. I know it happens. There's videos on every porn site like @Pornhub of amateur up skirt. But my brain didn't connect it with the bigger issues of Rape & Pedophilia. And I feel like an idiot for not making that connection.
Now I understand better how big of an issue up skirting is. I have a better understanding of how it makes you feel. To every woman out there, I am truly sorry being late to this and for my willing and unwilling participation of this.
While I know part of it is our society and the way women are treated, it is still my responsibility to do better. It is my job to raise my boys better. And while I can't unwatch any videos I have seen in the last. I can NEVER watch them again. And do my part to help end this.
I think all men(especially) and anyone that watches porn and may watch or has watched up skirt videos, to stop doing so. Cause even if the chance is that one's posted on @Pornhub are staged, they help perpetrate the idea to others that this behavior is acceptable.
So we cannot give these videos the views which continues the idea that this is acceptable. And we must change the laws here in the US to match the laws elsewhere making up skirting illegal and a sexual offense.
I want to thank @ginamartinuk for sharing the horrible and unfortunate events of what she went through because at least for me hearing it and then seeing what she did afterwards, opened my eyes.
I also apologize as I probably should have put a trigger warning at the beginning of this thread but when I started the tweet I didn't know it would turn into this.
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