// antisemitism & h0l0caust mentions

Hey!! If you're @honkkarl please read this! /srs
Recently, it has come to my attention that during a stream with Mizkif, you brought up how you found big noses funny, now this may seem all harmless to you but it is far from harmless. Its extremely harmful and antisemtic and ill tell you how https://twitter.com/shooters4dnf/status/1387879995117215748
When you think of jewish people, you'll probably think of the features they have, big hooked noses, big curly hair etc - but the thing is, its stereotypes, jews are expected to have these features to be considered Jewish and its harmful.
Big noses is very antisemitic because its been stereotyped into jews. Its an image so deeply imbedded in todays culture that non-jews don't acknowledge how harmful it is.
They go back to a N4zi propaganda from the 1930s and since then had become a common trope with jews and pushes antisemtic stereotyping to this day. Its far from irrelevant, to you as a non-jew , you probably won't understand but thats why I'm making this thread.
from an article : "Hooked noses have become a propaganda tool over time. It is a technique used to stir up a sense of disgust and repulsion towards Jews, either collectively or indivually and is often found alongside other antisemitic motifs involving money, conspiracy and blood"
Jews are constantly belittled for how some of their noses are built and constantly told to get nose jobs etc. For years, this has been normalised while us jews have to watch as we're constantly mocked and used for memes while no one understands the n4zi ideology behind it.
While I do have hopes you did not know of this and you genuinely meant no harm from it, it is so distressing to hear coming from my comfort streamer but this isn't even all of it. A few times you have made holocaust jokes, from what I've researched on this
You had apparently addressed it but making jokes about a HORRIBLE period of my people's lives is so insensitive, our people were slaughtered by n4zi's and it has caused generational trauma which jews struggle to cope with on the daily. its terrifying.
Just because Jackbox is supposed to be "offensive" doesn't make your h0l0caust 'jokes' any less insensitive. You, as a non-jew have no right to make any jokes about our struggles because you have not dealt with it. Again, I do hope you meant no harm but my point still stands.
Jewish people feel free to add anything else onto this, and I'm sorry if I worded anything wrong or I wasn't the best at explaining. I'm angry and tired so :)

Thank you for your time.
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