Today, my friend @KanisqaA (Deactivated) has been mentally harassed by several twitter accounts. Some of these acc. openly amplified byllying, hurled abuses & made personally demeaning remarks on him for voicing his opinion

(A Thread)
Several accounts made open calls for bullying Kanisqa. The person is facing severe anxiety & panic attacks. Ashamed for these twitteratis who champion mental health & claim to fight for a cause. If that cause is harassment and bullying, its not a noble cause afterall.

Yet there were others who hurled abuses at Kanisqa and even called for violence against him. This is simply unacceptable on a public platform. I hope @Twitter takes note of these incidents to devise better policies at curbing such bullying and harassment drives.

While skulduggery continued against him, several law students relished in the fact that he has been bullief off from the platform and some even made insinuating remarks against him. Especially you @raghavbhargava & @crankysamosa @TwitterComms

A coordinated campaign to silence voices by bullying, doxxing and personally harassing someone has become a normality on SM these days. We all have our differences but there is always a better way to disagree and show our opposition to a particular thought or statement.

Now just adding some SS from popular accounts who have been involved in harassment of Kanisqa. @CMHLPIndia

There is no end to this hate and vitriol filled personal attacks and insinuating remarks against Kanisqa. A person even commented on his personal family relations

Tagging some names and few more images of accounts involved in this coordinated bullying campaign.


@titanicriceing @hoemanshi @lettucesandwic @MadMarx37 @varun_gandhi_ @lildeekenergyy
You can follow @onceuponalawyer.
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