I want to address this. Have obscured tweep’s details because it isn’t about them. It IS however how we shift institutional responsibility to individuals and thus contribute to a lack of accountability of the powerful.

This is not iust India but world over.

Short 🧵:
Yes the Covid pandemic has been ongoing for the past year.

Yes, the scientific, medical, public health advice has been - and logically so - entirely consistent.
HOWEVER when the Prime Minister, Health Minister, the entire government apparatus sends out loud and consistent message that the risks have receded, then at an individual level, NOT taking the pandemic seriously is a 'rational' decision.
India was doing relatively okay.

Yes, there were issues with statistics that were flagged up early last year and those have never been fully resolved and have got worse now.

But the central government made active choices to downplay the dangers
This is from February 24th: https://twitter.com/ProfSunnySingh/status/1387880569250398212?s=20
Now count the masks. Check who is wearing them. And who is not! And yes, the maskless are 'heroes' for the masses. Yes they include the Home Minister: https://twitter.com/BCCI/status/1364504917344284672?s=20
Now check the stadium behind them. See the SEA of people. The crowds.

ALL not only sanctioned, approved but actively celebrated by the government and the great and good of the land.

Why would you NOT believe that the pandemic was over? That things were safe?
Why would you as an average citizen NOT believe that the risk was over? And more importantly, if you are a believer - and populist leaders inspire fandom rather than political engagement - why would you NOT trust your leader?

Again, it's a rational choice.
For you - an average citizen - to worry about the pandemic when your leaders are telling you things are safe requires a lot of critical - and scary - thinking. Even perhaps assuming that they don't care about you and yours, don't care if you are ill, harmed, dead...
Reminder that this is from 15th March. There is no note of caution, no warning or worry. It's all celebratory: https://in.news.yahoo.com/around-32-lakh-people-participated-054127085.html
"Around 32 lakh people participated in first ‘Shahi Snan’ of Kumbh Mela, informed Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat on March 15, he further added that the Upcoming three ‘Snans’ will be challenging. Kumbh Mela began from 14 January and it will continue till 27 April."
“I had asked not to stop people from coming here but they must follow COVID guideline...” said CM Rawat.

Let us be clear: scientist have said from day one to avoid crowds is KEY to stopping the virus. And yet....
And when you - the average citizen - turn on the tv, you have streams of people excited about cricket. Or more focussed on election predictions.

A few dissenting voices may be brought on to sound a warning note but are immediately undermined by both-sideism.
And that press noise is added by utterly immoral tech that facilitates circulation of misinformation, disinformation, fake news (which is why I want Big Tech regulated NOW and globally) https://twitter.com/ProfSunnySingh/status/1032190115651698688?s=20
In such circumstances, if you are not an info-junkie (like me), or trained up for years to parse information (like academics/experts and yeah NOT most politicians), why would you NOT believe the leaders?
On a personal note, I am fortunate: I not only have long years of academic training but I also grew up in a sitution where parsing through information to find facts was a family reality.

In large parts because of this, I look to experts who say things that make me uncomfortable
And that is key to making not only a rational choice based on the information (which can be overwhelming or compromised) but a critically informed choice.

This does not make me any better btw. It just makes me more fortunate because I have some extra tools.
So we need us to stop blaming individuals who are suffering, who are bombarded with wrong information if not outright lies from multiple sources , and who are relatively powerless in face of the the disinformation.

We need us to start holding the powerful accountable
Because those responsible for the thousands of deaths are not average citizens who often need to go out to work so they can feed their families.
Because those responsible for this suffering are not those who believe in a god - any god - and have been told lies by their leaders, who have been assured that the rituals they need for comfort and solace in these terrible times are safe.
Those responsible are those of the Fourth Estate who abdicated their moral duty and journalistic responsibility to tell the truth, to bear witness, and instead stenographed whatever politically and economically powerful wish
And this is not limited to India. Trump presided over hundreds of thousands of American dead for very similar reasons and dynamics.

Johnson, Bolsonaro, the list is long....
But it is also not just individual populist leaders. It is a global regime based on imperial extractive - murderous - capitalism (what I call necrocapitalism): https://twitter.com/ProfSunnySingh/status/1386069206349885441?s=20
So yes, be angry. Be frustrated. Be enraged. But focus that anger, that energy, that resistance, challenge, defiance to those who are responsible and who continue to lead millions to further misery.
And then let us all hold the powerful accountable. Even if - especially if - we voted for them.

Remember: there is no shame in changing our mind. It is a sign of growth and wisdom to change when situation changes, when facts come to light.
The only shame is not demanding accountability from those who are presiding over millions of deaths, over immeasurable suffering...even now.
End thread.
PS, sorry that wasn't short at all.

I don't plan threads or draft them before which means it can take longer to make a point. Perils of being an academic.
PPS, don’t come at me with fuckery, esp if you don’t have receipts
Coz I got even less time than usual for your chutiyapa
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