This little cutie is one month old today. Ashley & I have spent everyday so far getting to know him, caring for him, and figuring this whole parenthood thing out.

It has been a privilege to stay home with him. It shouldn’t be. 1/
I have 12 weeks (paid) leave from my organization, and my wife is taking 8 weeks (unpaid) leave from work.

Most working people in the US don’t get paid leave or can’t afford to take unpaid leave. 2/
The United States *richest country in the world* is one of the ONLY countries on Earth with no paid parental leave. 3/
That means for many working class women in the US, they don’t even have time for their bodies to heal from giving birth, let alone bond with their child, before going back to work a shitty job where they are devalued in order to just survive. 4/ 
Birth mothers deserve time to heal. Parents deserve time to be with their new child. And working class people shouldn’t have choose between that and survival.

My parental leave is a privilege. It should be a right. 5/
The 12 week paid leave included in the #AmericanFamiliesPlan is a step in the right direction.

We can & should tax tf out of the parasitic billionaire class to pay for the things we all deserve. This is one of those things.
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