The pandemic changed the way people live, and for mothers, it came with a new set of challenges.

Five mothers spoke to @thisisinsider about the past year of raising infants. đŸ‘¶
Over the past year, millions of mothers welcomed babies into a world filled with isolation, sickness, and uncertainty.

As their babies now begin to walk and talk, we spoke with moms about grief, perseverance, and marking "firsts" during a crisis.
Kelsey Nixon had planned to welcome her third child late last March with the help of Megan Blackhurst, her gestational surrogate.

As the pandemic worsened, the families decided to switch from a hospital birth to one at home so that everyone could attend.
When nearly two weeks passed after Blackhurst's due date with no sign of labor, the doctors decided to induce pregnancy in the hospital. Once again, the families adapted.

Nixon described the birth as "sacred."
Across the country, Justine Jackson was giving birth to Rosie in Portland, Oregon.

Jackson said she felt overwhelmed. Her mother was supposed to be present for Rosie's birth, but she died suddenly a few months earlier.
Jen Thompson’s husband watched his son come into the world via FaceTime. They finally met in person in the hospital parking lot 24 hours later.

As they left, they arrived home to a new challenge: navigating newborn care without the help of family.
Pinsi Lei, a first-time mom, thinks access to an in-person expert could've made a big difference when it came to breastfeeding.

Lei turned to ready-to-feed formula. Shipping was delayed, so she relied on pharmacies, which had purchase limits.
Jackson, Lei, and others described those first few months as "survival mode."

Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston surveyed pregnant women during the coronavirus and found that 36% had significant levels of depression.
When Melissa Koch reflects on the beginning of the pandemic, it was filled with stress and uncertainty. A week before her due date, she was laid off.

Koch's husband had planned to be the primary caretaker. Fortunately, he was able to continue working.
The mothers who spoke with Insider said that while they were quick to realize they would be giving birth during a pandemic, they did not anticipate an entire year spent raising pandemic babies.
Isolation did provide some partners with a window into the endless work of raising an infant, though.

Parents with 9 to 5 jobs were able to be a bigger part of their newborn’s first year of life due to work from home.
It was also a year of coping with missed “firsts.”

To fill the gap, families celebrated small milestones. The first smile or first steps were cherished even more in the Nixon household.
Now their pandemic babies are celebrating their first birthdays, and spring is bringing warmth and sunshine. ☀

The moms are looking forward to the kisses from grandparents, brunches with friends, and a sense of normality they hope will arrive soon.
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