I have 2 exams and 30+ pages to write before wednesday so naturally I have a story/question for #lawtwitter: in 1848 the tennessee supreme court overturned patsy troxdale’s conviction for the murder of her parents and five siblings. what the hell happened to patsy afterwards??
from the case: “Patsy was about twenty years of age, robust in her person, lewd in her habits, and sometimes carried deadly weapons”

not sold on her innocence but patsy is nonetheless my kinda girl
also: “Shepherd and Upton slept at the fodder-house; they said with Patsy. Patsy’s intrigues were known to her father. He had threatened to ‘thrash’ her, and she had threatened to take his life.”
the parents and siblings were found in the cellar of their burnt house, and a bloody axe nearby. patsy, shepherd and upton were all later convicted. BUT it was set aside on evidence one juror had made statements that they ought to hang months before he ended up on the jury
the media reports from the time that I can find all shared patsy’s story in the immediate aftermath: that her father was a violent drunk who had killed them all before throwing himself into the fire
but neither google nor westlaw/lexis have given me any hits post-supreme court case and I am so curious what happened to patsy and her lewd habits in the long run. I assume she was not retried, but idk where exactly to look! if you have tips lmk!!
this is very important research that is going into those aforementioned 30 pages so this thread is finals work don’t @ me thanks
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