Please stop putting expiration dates on your dreams. So many of us feel our dreams lose significance if they aren’t lived by the time we’re 25, 30, 35, etc.

I disagree with that sentiment.
For one, our dreams don’t have to always be that of extreme wealth or fame, but if things that feel good to our soul and are just downright the kind of experiences we promised ourselves we would have when we incarnated into our bodies at birth.
And 2, we have more life to live than just 20, 25, or 30. That’s still really young! & we so many more experiences in store for us beyond those ages. The only things we can’t change in life is when we’re born and when we die. Everything in between you have the power to change!
You never know until you try. You may be the youngest to ever do something, or the oldest. You may be the first woman, man, nb person to do it. You may be the first in your family to do it. You may be healing past and future generations through your dreams.
Don’t let others stop or discourage you from living your dreams. Especially your own self-doubt & self-sabotaging behaviors! Emancipate yourself from limited thinking. Who cares if it isn’t presented in the package society has boxed your dream into. Your life is defined by you!
Be the person who breaks the mould! Be the one who changes the way we perceive the ideal person for that dream to look like. Follow your dreams with you child on your hip, or your grandchild on your lap. Follow your dream whether you’re able bodied or disabled. Follow your dream
You owe it to yourself not to regret missing out on experiences in life later when you reflect. If you needed inspiration to take action toward your dreams, I hope you got it through this thread.

I love you and I hope to see you living out your dreams.
You can follow @divinerxolani.
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