I will be slowly recognizing artists in no particular order. I will write up a tweet including a link to your profile. To those with little in their profile - if you could tell me a little about yourself, your passions for art, and would like a particular link used please DM me.
Please give me some time. Know I'm doing this because I chose to. We all deserve recognition for our art and contribution to the NFT community! Please do not shill your art or links in this thread. You can view my account to verify that I do RT and like other artists art/links.
I'm just tired of seeing these fake collectors exploiting us artists with their fake, "I'll buy your NFT with my 8 million ETH!" BS. We need to help and protect each other. If your not interested with me recognizing you with a post just let me know. And no you do not have to like
follow me, or retweet any of my posts. You make your own choice. If you do, cool! If not, that's okay to! I'm not one of those fakes. I love seeing all the amazing art, and I want every art lover/collector to see all art too! There's a collector out there for all of us! Cheers
You can follow @Least_Pitch.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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