Thanks to all of you who have written to me about this column to tell me about how car insurance companies left you vulnerable to unemployment fraud, too. Turns out my wife wasn't the only one hit in our family because...1/5
... yesterday, I got this note from my friends at @LibertyMutual. I have some questions for them. Let's see if they'll come out here in public and answer them via a reply to this thread, shall we? 2/5
1) Seriously, who asked you for the "ability" to have their drivers license numbers exposed? Did your UX research really show that many abandoned carts when people have to take out their wallets to get their DL numbers?! 2) How many letters like this have you had to send out? 3/5
One more thing. Right after my story appeared, NY state came out with a release about all the fraud they've supposedly prevented. There are some tips here too in the event that they didn't prevent the fraud done to you. 4/5
If you work at a state unemployment office and want to tell me more about what increasingly appears to be utter chaos on the fraud front, I'm at lieber @ nytimes dot com. 5/5
You can follow @ronlieber.
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