A tip, all of these relationship folks are a scam. All of them. The books. The talks. All offem. The sooner folks learn that, the better😂. NO ONE can tell you what you need to do to have the perfect relationship cause perfect relationships DON’T EXIST.
Work on YOU. Go to therapy. All of us need it. Work on you. Love yourself. Love yourself ALONE. If you’re happy & secure ALONE, no one will be able to come in & bring chaos into your life. Date for fun. If things get serious great. If not, have fun. There is no secret🙄
And men/masculine ppl who date femmes, ya’ll need to know that women/femmes do not *need* ya’ll for finances anymore. BW have always had to work anyway so, there’s also that 🙄. But we’re not going backwards. So if you want a HAPPILY married wife in 2021-, adapt. Or don’t.
Be friends. When the lust/sex/infatuation period is over, that friendship & respect is what matters. You don’t need a book, seminar or an ✌🏽expert✌🏽to tell you that. Trust ya gut. Work on *you*. Be happy alone. Das it🤷🏽‍♀️. Marriage or being a *wife\\husband* is not...
...the goal. Being in a fulfilling, happy relationship where you’re respected, loved & encouraged to GROW is the goal. But you gotta have that relationship with *you* first. No expert is gonna tell you that. Their goal is for you to buy their books/listen to their podcasts.
Also, you & your partner are EQUALS. EQUALS. Why would you get into a relationship with someone who you don’t think is as smart/wise/interesting as you think *you* are. How is that gonna last? Be secure enough to be with ppl who can teach *you* just as well as you teach them.
Whoever got the best idea/way to go, that’s who leads in any situation. It ain’t ______ is the sole leader of the household. A good team knows each others strengths & weaknesses. Ain’t no gender roles. You do what works for& uplifts EVERYONE.
You can follow @ReaganGomez.
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