On April 17, Fulton Co GOP held an election for chairman.

The party of election integrity collected votes in 9 red solo cups. The outcome was more votes than voters & existing chair Trey Kelly “won.”

But new people had joined.

The people in outrage demanded a second vote...
...In the second vote, each delegate formed a single file line and put their vote into 1 glass bowl themselves.

A new chair was elected, Susan Opraseuth, won 172-148, beating the old chairman.

Imagine that.

But somehow the party of election integrity has now awarded the old chairman, Trey Kelly his chairmanship back on appeal of a supposed technicality of words “point of order” or “objection.”

What matters to these Republicans?

The people’s vote?

Election integrity?

...Or that they keep the same old good ‘ole boys in charge that just organize a monthly breakfast?

No wonder Stacey Abrams is whipping GA Republicans ass.
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