(PS) It is impossible to overstate how important a federal criminal witness Charles Herbster is in the biggest investigation in the history of the FBI. He was the first to reveal the January 5 "war council"—and did so in a way that he can't take it back now. Other Trumpists lied.
(PS2) Flynn and Bossie said they weren't at the January 5 conclave, which is the most lied-about meeting of Trump's presidency—and is one he may well have attended via video conference from the White House (there is ample evidence to this effect). Tuberville lied, then retracted.
(PS3) Lewandowksi says he was there but lied about what happened. Trump Jr. was lied *about* by an anonymous Trump camp source, which said he merely "stopped by" (he was there for hours). Giuliani was placed there, then at the White House instead, and when asked by the media...
(PS4) ...Giuliani said "I'd have to check my calendar and never got back to the reporter who'd been questioning him." Daniel Beck has refused to answer any questions about the event, though—like Herbster—he was the only other attendee to accidentally acknowledge that it happened.
(PS5) Others—Doyle Beck; Layne Bangerter; Adam Piper—attended but have been mum so far. Peter Navarro lied about being at the meeting, just as Tuberville did. Jr. and Eric are family and will lie as they have to—as will Don's girlfriend (and a presidential adviser) Kim Guilfoyle.
(PS6) The weak links are Daniel Beck—a QAnon zealot—and Herbster, a pragmatist. Though I'm a former criminal investigator in the federal system as well as a former criminal defense attorney, you don't need that background to see Herbster as the most dangerous "January 5" witness.
(PS7) The FBI has—as with Beck—an "in" with Herbster, as Herbster already "confessed" many things about the January 5 meeting, even slipping up and saying he was at the White House (one of the many pieces of evidence that Trump International was in a conference call with the WH).
(PS8) With Trump ensconced in Mar-a-Lago and Herbster having already lied to the media and voters about what he did on January 6—he flew to Mar-a-Lago w/ the Trumps, rather than going to Nebraska as he told Nebraska media—another Herbster trip to Mar-a-Lago was probably unlikely.
(PS9) No one thinks Trump cares about Nebraska politics. No one thinks Trump is loyal to his friends. No one thinks Kellyanne Conway would go to Nebraska on her own accord. No one thinks Corey Lewandowski would go to Nebraska on his own accord. These are things that get cleared.
(PS10) That Conway and Lewandowski entered the State of Nebraska and *immediately* Charles Herbster—inevitable federal criminal witness in the Investigation of the Century—started reciting public loyalty oaths (to Trump) of *exactly* the sort Trump demanded from Comey is telling.
(NOTE) Even the *language* of Herbster's swearing-of-fealty was telling. He didn't promise to be loyal to Trump's agenda. He didn't promise to be loyal to Trump's "values." He didn't promise to honor Trump's legacy. He swore undying and unadulterated loyalty to *the man himself*.
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