Since we're on the subject, let's have a chat. Dear faculty who hangs out here with us librarians on here. We need a favor. Can you spread the following knowledge with your colleagues:

a) Write to your DH librarian 2 months in advance before your grant app is due.

b) Don't use the word 'platform' on a grant application unless approved by your DH librarian.

c) Don't reinvent the internet. See also, (b).

d) You will not "upload" content last.

e) The library will not manage your site.
f) The library will not build your site.

g) The library will not archive your site.

h) You know what, don't even use the word site. Ask us first.
i) You will not build the definitive archive of all documents, data, oral histories, conference parafernalia and links that ever pointed to Subject X. Never. Sorry.

j) We are the ones who know how to build what you dream of. Not only talking about tech. Act like it.

Thanks! đź’–
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