@honkkarl @KarlJacobs_ hey best friend let’s talk about how you continuously associate with the most racist transphobic etc people
don’t expect me to be nice about this when he’s been consistently doing this shit without remorse for months-years
fuckin ice poseidon. do i even need to say anything or have y’all been seeing the shit jess been saying for how long but ignoring it because it’s not in an “education” way. i’m talking about the ice poseidon who used to have raids of his fans to call people racial slurs
the one who made racially charged and stereotypical black jokes in front of random black people that fuckign weirdo. and it’s not even like they were cool years before all of it karl was on one of his streams in fucking november/december of last year. how tf can you excuse
the actions of someone who does racist ass shit? also you still follow him how has it not crossed your mind that maybe you Shouldn’t openly be cool with a racist?
and pokimane. the one who made transphobic jokes and has said the n word. the only time you apologized for openly associating with her, which is something you continue to do, is when your stream that had her on it rightfully flopped. it is so very obvious that your morals
if you even have them don’t mean shit to you if money isn’t involved. you welcome one white person to the boys and act like nothing happened instead of apologizing for your bullshit and growing from it. and fucking ksi the one who made transphobic comments among MANY other
disgusting things over the years, you still associate. and fucking lil nas x the one who made islamophobic comments for years the one who said sexual shit about literal babies you decided to bring him on the dsmp and praise him. for what nigga. the way you openly asssociate
with the most disgusting people makes my fuckin ass itch. nothing apparently matters to you except for money and numbers and it’s weird as fuck. while i like to Hope you’re not racist you clearly do not give enough of a fuck about minorities to stop associating with terrible
people and it’s very weird. as for me i will not fuck with you until you stop giving these people a platform to further grow after unapologetically doing bigoted shit. you move weird as fuck
i’m muting this if you have a problem take that up with god idgaf
you can pqrt this i don’t mind btw
and for clarification. i been stanning him til today but i’m at my limit. i am black and trans before mf anything
y’all gotta understand that i didn’t make this thread to educate anyone. i made this thread because i’m upset as someone who has loved and supported him for months that i cannot feel safe within this community because of who he repeatedly associates with. stop taking it for more
than it is please i didn’t expect it to get more than ten likes. this was literally made out of anger
yeah i’m not arguing about this with no one instead of commenting i recommend once again to take that up with god
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