Learning ZBrush, a thread...
In ZBrush there's three ways to save:
- Save Document
- Save Project
- Save Tool
One of these options is boobytrapped to freeze the soul of your 3D model as an immovable jpeg for all eternity
ZBrush brushes are like tools,
Zbrush tools are like documents,
and Zbrush documents are images.
In ZBrush there's two ways to zoom in and out; neither of them are the scroll wheel.
The ZBrush tools menu isn't sorted alphabetically, but rather by how cool the developers thought the feature was
Why click an object & hit the delete key? When you can simply...

Ctrl+Shift click on the Polygroup you want to delete (this will hide everything else).
Ctrl+Shift click again to invert this.
Then just open the Geometry Sub-palette, unfold Modify Topology, and click "Del Hidden"
You can follow @John_O_Really.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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