this is gonna be a long thread explaining some things. it might seem weird for me to try and start this and if it fails least i tried. it will make sense at the end.
so, over the past year or 2 i have noticed the louies fandom becoming more toxic including the solo louies. there is always drama about something and alot of it is unnecessary. some of the drama with other fandoms are started bu louies themselves which isn’t fair to louis
++ or his fans. another thing that makes me uncomfortable with the louies fandom is that louies are so quick to turn on louis over the smallest things. they can’t ever set realistic expectations for him. they expect him to be perfect 24/7. which is impossible for anyone.
++ louis is a human being. he’s gonna make mistakes. he’s gonna make stupid decisions and that’s ok. no matter his lowest moments he will always be that humble and kind person many people adore. his imperfections don’t change his heart.
++ louies don’t trust louis as much as they should which makes no sense considering louies are supposed to stan/support louis. the biggest thing that made me hate calling myself a louie was this past summer.....the way louies treated louis absolutely disgusts me.
++ and then after that alot of louies became so disrespectful towards louis and it became normalized. they hate larries but lowkey act like ine themselves by pushing images onto louis, creating different versions of him in their head, etc.
++ they excuse that stuff as a joke or for comfort when in reality that’s not an excuse at all. there are boundaries and those boundaries have been crossed too many times. louies aren’t as loyal as they claim to be.
++ louis might call louies loyal but i doubt he sees some of the gross shit that occurs in this fandom. i’m tired of the disrespect towards louis and his personal life, i’m tired of people acting like they know everything that goes on in louis’ personal life, i’m tired
++ of louis’ music and happiness never being the priority. it’s all too much. i’ve hated considering myself as a louie for so long and honestly i’m ready for a change. i am a louis supporter and always will be until my last breath but
++ i just don’t want to be associated with louies anymore. the list of reasons gets bigger everyday. BUT instead of going independent i still want to be able to show support towards louis with other people.
++ there are a good amount of louies in this fandom that i say are extremely loyal to louis. i hate calling them louies too because they aren’t toxic and disrespectful like louies. the name ‘louie’ has been given such a bad image and
++ i don’t want to be apart of that anymore. SO, call me crazy for thinking this could become a thing but i want to try. i want to make a new fandom for louis....i know it may seem like a stretch but i want to separate the loyal, positive, loving fans from
++ the ones who are extremely negative and toxic. i want to make a safe place for the fans who just want to focus on louis’ happiness and music. we come up with projects, support each other, support louis through good and bad, etc.
++ and i was thinking of calling the new fandom for louis, the louyal’s because we are all loyal fans of louis tomlinson. i don’t want drama and toxic behavior. i want love, kindness, positivity, all the things louis represents.
++ it’s time for this change. i will be the one to start it. i hate to make another fandom for louis since i know he has the directioners/ot5s, larries/bbygater cult, and louies/solo louies. but i feel this is what is needed.
++ share your thoughts with me in the replies or in my dm’s. i know there is an award for louies rn and i will vote online for the sake of getting louis’ name out there but i still want to try this out and see what happens. i feel in my heart that i need to do this. for louis.
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