Ms. Jones's defense team has presented an expert witness on domestic violence, Ms. Angela Beatty. Ms. Beatty works at the YWCA in OKC. The main organization supporting survivors of domestic abuse and the related. She's a hero. She will testify about Battered Women's Syndrome.
But... Prater is trying to stop that, so he tried to intimidate Ms. Beatty's boss, Janet Peery--the CEO of the YWCA. And under Oklahoma Law--THAT'S A FELONY!! Witness intimidation. Ms. Peery testified on April 5 about Prater's abusive and criminal behavior--IT'S UNDENIABLE!
"Every person who willfully prevents or attempts to prevent any person from giving testimony ... through force or fear with the intent to prevent any witness from appearing in court to give his or her testimony ... is, upon conviction, guilty of a felony"--
And to cap it off, it appears Prater had someone IN HIS OWN OFFICE start an "investigation" into... HIS OWN CONDUCT!! The hallmark of a cover up smdh.
This case is set for trial in Sept. The Defense has moved to disqualify the DA, but who charges the DA with a crime?? Maybe a grand jury? @AGMikeHunter? @GovStitt? @OSBI_OK?

Regardless, #Community--we need to show up for Trichell. We protect Black women.
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