I think we need to talk about something. When I was transitioning, I was surrounded by 'friends' and others in the community that would constantly try to uphold the idea that if you do not get hormones or surgery right away, then you would commit suicide.
or, at the very least, attempt and/or tell others you will do it, especially parents which is incredibly manipulative and abusive. This was not just a couple of people, I saw this mindset everywhere. Constant suicide threats. This is why I am very concerned with
how people are bypassing working with therapists for a year or more before transitioning. I am not saying that being mentally ill is wrong, I have struggled with mental illness all of my life.
However, this narrative travels. Do you know who hears about this? Young and impressionable children who will believe that this is the only option for them if they can't transition when they want to. I was susceptible to this as well, I truly believed, based on what others
were telling me, that if I did not get hormones and surgery I would have to die or I was a fraud. This needs to change. This is dangerous. Please get help if you have these thoughts.
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