10 Famous US presidents as modern Twitter users, a thread.
George Washington:

- Runs a far-right militia
- Makes up facts about himself on Twitter
- Still uses old Pepe memes in 2021
- Best friend secretly works for the FBI
Thomas Jefferson:

- Became libertarian due to Ron Paul
- Runs an anti-war blog
- Became Hoppean after the refugee crisis
- Frequent guest on RT
Abraham Lincoln:

- Enlightened centrist who always talks about how the far-left and far-right are the same
- Made hate replies to every Trump tweet
- Hides replies, especially ones with anime avatars
- Has a sadposting private alt
Theodore Roosevelt:

- Complains that the Republican Party is too pro-business and not working class
- Argues with libertarians and neoliberals all day
- Uses the term cuck frequently
- Posts about his physique and rambles about traditional architecture

- "Vote blue no matter who!"
- Tweets like a liberal suburban wine aunt
- Wants the supreme court packed because he's still angry about Kavanaugh
- Tries to argue why Biden's children in cages are different
Andrew Jackson:

- White nationalist podcaster who talks about globalism, banks and the great replacement
- Suspended from Twitter, now an e-celeb on Gab
- Challenged Ben Shapiro to a fist fight
- Voted Trump in 2016, stopped supporting him for being too zionist

- Part of a neoliberal DC thinktank, uses a globe emoji in his username
- "More female drone pilots!"
- Rose emoji Twitter's arch nemesis
- Thinks about pretending to be gay in order to have a chance at the next Democratic primary
Woodrow Wilson:

- Part of the Dirtbag Left
- Became a big Breadtube e-celeb
- Got cancelled after Discord messages with the n-word in it got leaked
- Hated by pretty much everyone on Twitter for different reasons but still somehow has a fanbase
Ronald Reagan:

- Never Trumper in 2016, Pro-Trump in 2020
- Lost a movie deal over a twitter post deemed transphobic causing huge twitter debate on cancel culture
- Frequently talks about AOC and how the Democrats are radical socialists
- Became a victim of the Groyper wars
Richard Nixon:

- Blue checkmark journo who's a foreign policy wonk
- Writes for Washington Post as their token conservative
- Gets fired after past anti-semitic comments were discovered
- Forms a thinktank which becomes riddled with scandals
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