Let's talk about Minnesotans for Line 3, the propaganda arm of @Enbridge's #Line3 expansion project. 🧵 (1/10)
Ironically, Velocity Public Affairs (the PR firm hired to push Line 3) was so embarrassed by the dirty work it did for Enbridge that it deleted the web page describing that work. Spreading oil propaganda must be bad for business. (6/10)
M4L3 is even on Twitter at @minnesotans4L3, where they presumably use their @Enbridge cash to further spread dishonest propaganda about Line 3.

For reference, our account is run by volunteers who care about more than just paychecks :) (8/10)
So if you're listening to the radio or on YouTube in Minnesota and you encounter an ad for Line 3, consider the source. What are their interests? Who's paying them to say these things? In all likelihood, it's an oil company paying them to promote oil infrastructure. (9/10)
Foreign oil executives and their lackeys are posing as concerned neighbors in Minnesota, and something needs to be done about it. Join us in the movement to #StopLine3, so we can put an end to tar sands in Minnesota. (10/10)

Support the movement: https://linktr.ee/stopline3 
You can follow @ResistLine3.
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