
CHEW'S TRUTH rode hard for Rob in #RobMob. I was proud to guest twice on his podcast, especially this last time because I got to speak on the vitally important topic of racial bias in medicine.

To do that & then read about the allegations against... https://twitter.com/RancidGinger/status/1387809489143873538
2) Rob Monday night was like looking down from a great height & getting vertigo. I am far from a prude but seeing those naked pictures of Rob sickened me. The lack of judgement it took to send those to someone on social media & from your professional, verified account used to...
3) campaign, to promote your brand & merchandise & ask for money (I donated money I could I'll afford to Rob because I believed in what he was doing)--to send dick pics off such an account is just stunningly dumbassed. And I've done some dumbassed stuff myself. I've screwed up...
4) my life more than once. But, even though it was stunningly moronic to even take much less send those pics to random women on social media, I still didn't believe Rob would ever have done so without consent.

And that's why I intially stood by him & defended him even as I...
5) reached out to him privately to ask him what the hell he was thinking?

I won't reveal all he said to me because I respect private conversations others have with me except to say he acknowledged his screw up but assured me he'd had the women's consent.

Then, the Hill...
6) Reporter article from Tara Dublin's blog dropped. And once again, I was sickened. Because while two of the women HAD given consent, still others had not. Worse, some of them were his staffers.

It's an untenable position when a boss sexually harasses his/her staff. To speak...
7) out could get you blackballed in your own field & career advancement. I've been in such a position.

I don't know what the end result will be for all those involved in this horrible scandal but I do know my prayers are with Rob's wife, Clarissa & his daughter & son. I can't...
8) imagine the shame that has been visited upon them for the world to see.

I also pray for Rob that somehow the serious pathological flaws in his character will be healed, fixed & made right. As a recovering alcoholic, I'm a big believer in redemption.

I also want to give...
9) props to Jessica @RancidGinger for her bravery. She took a lot of heat to bring to light what had flourished so long in the darkness. I've never met her but she has my respect. It takes courage to do what she did.

To the victims, I say hold your head up & keep it moving/ 👊🏾
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