The curious case of the Zanetti train - or, is it possible to travel into another dimension?

Apparently Philadelphia Experiment (1943) is not the lonely case of paradimensional traveling that has been recorded over the years. Namely, in the summer of 1911 the train (cont. below)
Zanetti with 3 cars and 106 passengers left Rome and should have gone through the mountain tunnel in Lombard. The train entered the half mile long tunnel in Lombardy Mountain but never came out! It just.... disappeared!

What actually happened?

Dozens had witnessed the train
leaving the station. But no one could come up with a sound explanation for its strange disappearance. After the incident, the railway workers and police searched every square foot of the place, but found no train. However, there were two passengers who jumped off the train just
before it vanished into the tunnel. After the accident, the two rescued passengers suffered with psychiatric disorder caused by strong stress.

When they were asked what happened, they told how they jumped out of the train at the last moment: "Suddenly the passengers were
overtaken with unexplained fear and panic. Interior of the train was covered with milk-white mist which gradually became more viscous."

What happened to the tunnel?

During the Great War the tunnel was bricked up and later destroyed as the result of one of the airplane attacks.
Are there any testimonies of what actually happened to the passengers?

Nobody would have recollected that accident if the relative of one of the passengers who was looking through the archives in 1926 had found an interesting record. It was said that in Mexico 104 Italians
showed up from nowhere and all of them affirmed that they were travelling from Rome. That record was dated 1845! The Italians were considered as mad and put into a psychiatric hospital. The things and clothes didn't correspond to that time. And one of the belongings, a tobacco
box with the sign "1907" is still kept in Mexico.

Make of this what you will but I found it interesting.
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