The five laws of life. Work against them and suffer. Up to you.

**A Thread**
1. The law of Cause and Effect

Every Action has an equal opposite reaction or consequence.

You can't plant an apple tree and expect to harvest oranges.

You reap what you sow.
2. Law of Expectation

85% of what you expect to happen, Will.

You are never going to get more than what you expect out of life.

If you expect small things, you’re going to get small things. If you expect big things, you’re more likely to get big things.
3. Law of Attraction

Positive thoughts bring positive outcomes. Negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.

You attract what you focus on.

Try focusing/thinking about red cars and you will start seeing more red cars.
4. The law of Belief

You do not necessarily believe what you see, but you see what you have already decided to believe.

Your beliefs control your realities.
Nothing more, nothing less.
5. The law of correspondence

Your outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world.

Nothing in your outer life can change without first making changes on your inside.

"when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”
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