I have this argument so many times where "some of the things people are complaining about today are similar to complaints that were aired in the past" is treated as a definitive refutation of the complaints, and I do not understand it. https://twitter.com/kevinroose/status/1387810700064526336
Something I remember people saying in the 1990s is that providing unconditional cash support to parents is a good way to reduce child poverty — and they're saying it again today!

(because it's true)
High rates of violent crime were a big discussion topic in the 1990s and they faded as the murder rate dropped.

After the 2020 murder surge, I am hearing a lot of the same old arguments from the 1990s about how to address high levels of murder.
I had some ideas that I thought of as old William Julius Wilson ideas from the 1980s but when I looked it up *he* characterized them as old Bayard Rustin ideas from the 1960s. There's not that many new ideas!
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