gemini risings often go through very extreme mindsets when interacting with their environment. there's the energy-filled, endlessly enthusiastic side that causes them to consume more and more. then they go into a sort of hermit mode to truly process what everything means to them
we always attribute gemini placements toward the first kind of mode because that's what we're most aware of but don't forget that they have a taurus 12h. they isolate in order to gain a sense of order internally to make sure everything can go through their minds easily
these people are often very sensitive to changes in their environment more than anything because once they create an impression, it can be very hard to unlearn that in the first place.
gemini risings are driven by a need to understand everything down to the most minute detail and fact (hence the debilitation in jupiter, the planet of big picture and big ideas) the world becomes a system or means to obtain as much knowledge as possible to satiate their curiosity
where this rising tends to fall flat is experiencing heavy periods of very strong thinking one day and the complete opposite the next. moderation is something that they were never fully taught despite always being this "vision of perfection" by their guardians
what they tend to aspire for in life never seems to follow convention or some sort of imposed structure from adults in their lives. they want something deeply intangible out of their human experience and so creates this really spiritual journey with their self image
one of the big fears that they have is never fully being in control of what they have to offer to the world, that everything they've worked hard to achieve is simply going to dissolve into nothing that carries worth or honour
they've been conditioned to be harder on themselves than anyone else will be in their lifetimes. despite wanting more out of life than the physicalities and accolades, they have a need to be seen by those near and dear to them and not be viewed as this failure of some kind
so what they end up doing is actively seeking people who can help them feel removed from the anxiety of daily life and everything that they'll never have time to accomplish, who help them see that life is beautiful in every aspect
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