1) Thought we could just let this empty-suit, grifting, self-absorbed sociopath ooze into oblivion, but no, the bloated mook keeps blurting out horseshit to whatever lickspittle will take his calls. So, to wit, it's time to put this vaccine miracle narrative to rest. To wit: https://twitter.com/TheIJR/status/1387784120567320577
2) The real reason that the U.S. and other nations achieved these vaccines at such seemingly astonishing speed has fuck-all to do with Trump or Biden or political parties. The fundamental advantage that medical science had upon the arrival of COVID19 is simply the fact...
3) ...that medical researchers had been hard at work studying the SARS-family viral genome ever since the appearance of it years ago, so that when this variant appeared, the research was already well on the way to identifying its every characteristic and vulnerability...
4. This work had nothing to do with politics or political leadership -- as witnessed by the fact that the Trump administration actually deconstructed the U.S. political entity that was intended as a bulwark against global pandemics. Regardless of that mismanagement...
5. ...the actual medical work on the SARS family of viruses was prolonged, ongoing and consistent. So that researchers, upon being presented with COVID19, could begin working forward from an established genomic tree...
6. ...in the same manner that if you are ever playing around with your family genealogy and you arrive on someone else's established tree of lineage, you find that the work is done for you and, that fast, you are suddenly transported from 1925 all the way back to the...
7)...Mayflower compact (or to 17th Century chicken thieves in Minsk, as the case my be) because someone before you did a lot of fucking work. The notion of politicians fighting for credit in the scientific achievement of the vaccine is breathtakingly shallow....
8) Trump can be credited with dumping a lot of money on the problem when COVID19 began to spread, sure, but who the fuck wouldn't once a pandemic was evidencing itself. In short, he paid the tab when it was his turn. This would be sufficient for us to be polite...
9) ...when he is calling into Fox talk shows to cry about his uncredited labor except for the fact that he simultaneously was downplaying the risks of the pandemic, mocking the most effective public health measures and telling people to inject disinfectants as as remedy. Enough.
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