Did a straw poll on my book tour (13 cities) with 829 folks in 2019:

76% of those who identified as Progressive see "loving enemies" as complicity w/ injustice

78% of those who identified as Conservative see "loving enemies" as compromise w/ immorality

Think we got a problem?
What was illuminating in our workshops is that most Christians do not see enemy-love as the route to addressing immorality or injustice in the life of another. Somehow they missed how Jesus did it.
For the few folks who believed "loving enemies" was central to being a Christian many reduced it down to having sentimental nice thoughts.
This anecdotal data is part of an intake form (25 questions) I use when consulting churches.

The average age was 38.
430 Women
399 Men
8 Denominations: 1 Lutheran, 2 Baptist, 1 Anglican, 2 Pentecostal, 1 Christian Reformed, 1 Episcopal, & 1 United Methodist.
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