Every content designer, especially those in government, needs to read this. You might not have the power to stop the harm an organization you work for inflicts on people. But you do have the skills to carefully craft content that can steer people away from that harm. 1/4 https://twitter.com/paperghost/status/1387671312760545281
Use your content skills like people's lives and wellbeing depend on it.

Because sometimes they really, really do. 2/4
Do any of my followers know people at @HODigital working in immigration content? I'd really like to chat with them about their content processes. 4/4
This thread gets into why I want to speak to someone working in immigration content. I have to wonder what content or service design work is done in this area. Not sure how you carry out human-centered design when the primary business objective is to hurt humans. 5/ https://twitter.com/alasdairmack66/status/1387887393919967233
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