It’s not just death from #COVID19, it’s also the long term suffering of #LongCovid.

Don’t let COVID deniers / minimizers try to tell you otherwise. The human suffering toll is real.

Thread 🧵
2) “In the 1890s one of the biggest pandemics, known at the time as “Russian flu”, swept the world. It left 1m people dead. Russian flu is now thought to have been misnamed—rather a coronavirus ancestral to one that now just causes symptoms described by sufferers as “a cold”…
3) “When it was new, however, few people had immunity to it, so it was often lethal. And not only that. For, as the pandemic receded, it left in its wake a wave of nervous disorders.
4) “A similar wave followed the next big pandemic, the “Spanish” flu of 1918 (nothing much to do with Spain). One common symptom was lethargy so bad that in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) it helped cause a famine because so many people were too debilitated to pick the harvest.”
5) And something similar is happening now with #COVID19 - #LongCovid is formally called “post Covid syndrome” or PCS.
6) And we know that among UK 🇬🇧 #LongCovid survivors, it has huge effects on everyday living.
7) Even UK 🇬🇧 health minister acknowledges #LongCovid is real, even for young people. #LongCovidKids
9) “Those findings translate into about eight extra deaths per 1,000 patients over 6 months, because many deaths caused by long-term COVID complications are not recorded as COVID-19 deaths, the researchers said.”
11) 1 in 7 suffer #LongCovid after 12 weeks.
12) And in UK, which occupation is most affected after healthcare workers by #LongCovid? Teachers.
13) What about #LongCovidKids? 7-8% of kids age 2-16 still affected at week 12. @LongCovidKids
14) Explain to people the side effects of #COVID19 to those who don’t want to vaccinate because they believe risk of dying is low… it’s not just dying. See thread 🧵
15) COVID lung 🫁 symptoms are serious too. @BKendallMD shared this:
16) This is your lung… and your lung on #COVID19 and on #LongCovid
17) This lung 🫁 issue is very personal to me too. As a child, due to a tumor, I lost a large section of my right lung that had to be removed along with my baseball sized tumor that invaded my lung. It made me want to study epidemiology someday. Story:
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