As evidence mounts of a massive pending global disaster, I am replacing my 'move to Canada' pinned tweet with one dedicated to everything relating to this developing story. Evidence and everything needed will be included in the thread I will attach below this.
As for the Americas region, it's simple, just run a search for '6+' earthquake to see how many big earthquakes happen around the Americas in a span of 85 days. It varies by year, but NO year ever was even close to this one. Should be a few of these, but this time, there are NONE.
So to summarize. Why am I certain of the following?: there is a major blocking of plates, its location is near Mati, Philippines, and it will lead to the biggest earthquake ever recorded.
Well first, the sudden increased frequency of earthquakes and location where they started
happening in Mindanao seemed unusual to me right off the bat. So I investigated, and confirmed that earthquake activity was indeed trending far higher than any other time in recorded history. This already made me suspect a blocking, and that was before all this other data came.
The hiatus referred to in tweet #2, first evidence, I already discovered that in early 2020 and it was already of record length. More than a year later, and it has kept going, adding more than a year to an already record hiatus. It is only in the last 2 years that the area
in the 2nd evidence tweet started to see that surge in global share of earthquakes. Now for 2021, its share has surged to an alarmingly high level, at the same time that activity in the Americas has cratered to rock bottom levels. All this DOES NOT HAPPEN WITHOUT A REASON.
Something must be causing all of this. And this is why I theorized that it is a blocking near Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines. Why this location exactly? The aforementioned events discussed in Mindanao strongly suggest that must be the site of the blocking. And the absence of
anything in another region that produces the same, both due to shape of geological features, as well as blocking capabilities on global plate systems, mean that the area between Mindanao and Papua new Guinea has the right dynamics to block Earth's 2 biggest tectonics plates.
Here I am announcing operation big wave. As soon as I get out of quarantine, I will formulate the plan on how to carry this out. I am doing my best to quickly affirm the existence of this tectonic blocking and the real threat it poses as a magnitude 10 earthquake + tsunami.
Also, must comment on and emphasize the evidence coming in from the Americas region. Seems rather strange that at the same time that unprecedented trends have been sowing in Asia, one has started in north America too! Now it ALSO has the slowest EVER period, only started this yr.
This likely shows that the blocking that already caused a shocking degree of gridlock and therefore, slowdown in Asia, is now doing the same in the Americas. There is too much proof that something unusual is happening and tectonic plates are blocked by something.
Gonna just add what else I have come up with since I made this thread.
And this too:
This one that is just in. This will now be added to the thread too. Evidence is piling up like crazy. We got one messy disaster coming folks. From Fiji to the Philippines, to Mexico and the US, get ready. All signs r showing that my magnitude 10 is coming.
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