Not being funny but after people give blood they are advised to rest and avoid activity as they likely to feel fatigued and faint, but when they have blood pouring out of their vagina for days they are expected to come to work as usual with a smile on their face
Not the penis people giving their takes that 0 people asked for. How was your last period, did you faint at work after being forced to come in?
For further reference
I have multiple members of family and friends who have given blood and said that the fatigue and faintness was pretty much the same as a bad period... if men who have done or had neither could refrain from giving their input that would be great
People are arguing about how badly the blood loss can really affect you when I didn’t even get started on the stabby stomach cramps that stop you from being to able to stand up properly and the shooting arse pains. It’s completely unreasonable to expect women to work like this
I feel that people are so dismissive of period trauma because it happens every single month. Just bc I had it last month it doesn’t mean that this month was any less painful or more manageable. Also the mental health aspect is ignored and reduces to jokes about being hormonal
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