Why are doctors in court again today against the government?

@EveryDoctorUK+ @GoodLawProject have 4 legal cases against the government, being heard in May re dodgy PPE. They’re withholding key evidence🚨

We know there was a VIP channel; those who knew ministers...
were up to 10x more likely to be awarded PPE contracts at the height of the first wave. To put this in context; NHS staff had no PPE. Or they had bin bags. Or they had to make PPE out of theatre curtains or cling film or laminator sheets. And meanwhile, instead of purchasing...
PPE from appropriate suppliers, public money was handed out like smarties. Hundreds of millions to friends or associates or donors. It’s an absolute travesty. And as we work on our legal evidence as the May court dates approach...
the papers we have, the evidence, has names scrubbed out all over. Names of these so-called ‘VIPs’. Names of officials who awarded the contracts. We need these names in order to fight for justice. And so we’ve asked the judge today to force the government to tell us their names..
We have a few more names now🚨, a few more people who made profits from PPE while our friends and colleagues had no PPE and died in their hundreds.

🛑P14 medical; run by a Tory councillor and donor, given £276million in PPE contracts.
designs, run by another Tory donor, given £160m in PPE contracts. David Meller sits on the board of right-wing think tank “Policy Exchange”. Luxe lifestyle; £26m to a company which appeared insolvent, with no employees😮

We’re still fighting for details. We must do everything...
we can to hold this government to account. Please help us by re-tweeting and by donating to EveryDoctor. We’re so grateful for the support you’re offering us. Ju💙 https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/donate-ppecases
You can follow @JujuliaGrace.
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