My birth mother reached out, wanting to meet, after 4 months of me not contacting her.
For context, I reached out before Christmas with a generic “I’m doing well, thank you for putting me up for adoption, yada yada,” and she wrote back in a child-like handwriting about how she has desperately looked for me my entire life. 1/x
In late December I got the social work write up of the entire adoption process and it turns out she was unfit mentally; she tried to drown me 3 times, leave me outside, didn’t feed me, and tried to sell me. She proceeded and cancelled 2 adoptions, 2/x
And claimed several potential fathers were her father, her brothers, randos, and a guy who she burned his house down because he didn’t want anything to do with her. Several of these things done to me have had lasting physical affects on my health. 3/x
Now she, in her infinite wisdom, said that as my mother she demands I see her because she is my mother and she will be very upset if I don’t. Upon regaling her with what I know and politely declining, she claims that she is dying in 6 months.
So now in my paranoia, I am watching my back because she knows my address, is desperate, and has a myriad of mental health issues.
Moral of this thread: Some rocks are meant to left alone.
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