How to ape into #SolDoge with instructions 👇

The process is complicated AF and reminds me yet again just how early we all are in the space.

In a few years, this entire process will be seamless. But for now, here are the steps for MetaMask users - WITH PICS

A. Create a unique wallet at 

B. Now you have to get SOL into that wallet to make any transactions.

Click the down arrow on the SOL tab (photo)

C. Click the "RECEIVE" button

D. Click the "ETH" tab. And then click 'CONNECT TO METAMASK" and follow the prompts on MetaMask to connect your wallet

E. Now enter the amount of ETH to convert to SOL - note that the maximum is 0.10 ETH - and click "CONVERT"

F. Now swap the SOL for USDC - You NEED USDC to purchase SDOGE

- Go here: 

- Connect your Sollet wallet by clicking the "Connect" button in the top right-hand corner, then click "Sollet"

- Select SOL in the 'From' and USDC in the 'To' and swap

G. Now you can purchase SDOGE

- Go here: 

- Connect your Sollet wallet by clicking the "Connect" button in the top right-hand corner and then clicking "Sollet"

- Click the icon - shown in the photo - to "Add Custom Market"

H. Add the market details:

- The Market ID: 9aruV2p8cRWxybx6wMsJwPFqeN7eQVPR74RrxdM3DNdu

- Market Label: SDOGE/USDC

-Base label: SDOGE

- Click "Add"

I. Now you can buy SDOGE. This acts like a normal market, just enter the size and price you want to buy.

IMPORTANT - you MUST click the "Settle" buttons after once the trade is completed to have the SDOGE transfer into your wallet (see photo)

This process is ridiculous in its complexity right now. So if you are actually apeing into @soldoge, know that you are an early adopter.

Congratulations 🔥

You can follow @adamamcbride.
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