This is my Twitter. Tweet 1 goes against the #avfc fan base popular opinion right now - no biters despite a popular hashtag. 2 supports an Etsy store - a usual goldmine of activity on other twitters and 3 is a generic could have been made up actor status.
It baffles me. My followers are made up of probably 1/2 actors/writers and 1/2 football fans with a healthy cross section of geek appreciation between the two. It’s no wonder my YouTube absolutely tanked.
I’ve supported everyone I possibly could where it seems genuine. Apart from podcasts - I just don’t listen to them so it would be disingenuous to say listen to this fab podcast. I don’t get Twitter. No one is keeping record of your tweets or likes.
Just to clarify - this is to show the only engagement I really get is from actors when I speak about acting. There’s ABSOLUTELY no guarantee that anything I post about my career is true. Yet I guarantee if I needed likes - that would be what I post about.
Never feels personal when all people like is the subject.
I’ll probably delete this thread later when no one has read it.
You can follow @RhysJones_Actor.
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