I'm bored of this gender lunacy so I'll share a few Portuguese recipes I find easy to follow to the culinary adventurous amongst you. Thread.
1-Caldo Verde
2-Sopa à lavrador
3-Sopa de feijão à antiga
4-Gaspacho Alentejano
5-Sopa de peixe à pescador
6-Sopa de feijão verde à antiga
7-Sopa de beldroegas
8-Sopa de peixe Alentejana
9-Sopa de tomate com manjericão
10-Sopa de tomate Alentejana https://ruralea.com/10-sopas-tradicionais-portuguesas-e-respetivas-receitas/
Feijoada à Alentejana. I see this as the Portuguese equivalent of a Chilli con Carne, but with several different meats. A sort of game with beans? It's delicious. Comfort food. https://ruralea.com/feijoada-a-alentejana/
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