things i’ve noticed in skz’s kingdom performance every time i watched it while streaming : a thread ✨
before this thread starts, go stream besties 😩💅✨

• i’ll be including the time i streamed as well because...why not 😎✨ so if the gap between the times are too big, blame the ads i got in between each filler/video akshahdhasj 😤🙄
• i won’t be providing clips so that y’all can watch their performance and see it for yourselves hehe ☺️😚
• i’ll also do my best to include the screenshot of how many views there were every time i streamed as well but if i don’t, that means i fg ahaha oops 🤡
— 9:15 pm; 1st

ok ngl,, i thought jeongin purposely did that during the performance BECAUSE THE EMOTIONS AND THE VIBES WERE THERE??? THEN IT JUST...MADE SENSE TO DO THAT YK? but tbh it wasn’t even that obvious + jeongin did so well i’m so proud of him 🥺🥺🥺
— 9:35 pm; 2nd

there was a kid in the flame behind changbin in that one part with the stairs...? then the flame suddenly turned into water...? besties im too dumb for theories someone tell me what it could mean AKDJAHDHAHS thank u ☺️✨
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