1)Dr. Larry Chapp: "Imagine my surprise therefore, when the growing list of traditionalist theological giants like Michael Voris, Taylor Marshall and Ralph Martin came out as being implacably opposed to Balthasar on the grounds that Balthasar does not sufficiently populate Hell."
2)"Apparently, again according to these giants of intellect, Balthasar has fooled us all – – including Popes John Paul and Benedict – – and is in reality a dangerous “modernist” who hung out with a freaky old mystic lady of dubious authenticity..."
3)"...and dared to hope that God may end up saving everything and everyone after all. They accuse him of being a crypto universalist which is, of course, profoundly wrong, which I think should matter."
4)"I dare any of them to read Balthasar’s theological elaboration of God’s judgment in his unbelievably profound book “The Christian State of Life” and then come back and tell me Balthasar is a universalist."
5)"I will say it again for the slow: Balthasar was no kind of universalist, whether crypto or kryptonite, and anyone who says he was is either ignorant or lying or both."
6)"And what is doubly sad is that they cannot see that Balthasar is the greatest champion of the deep Tradition of the Church that they claim to love. Which only goes to show that they don’t."
7)"And their apparent belief that you can’t evangelize effectively unless you emphasize clearly that Hell is brimming over with the tortured souls of dead Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, & Thomas Merton, is not only theologically dubious, but more importantly, sadistic & insane
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