The vicious racist hatred toward Tim Scott from Democrats isn't exactly "hypocrisy," in the sense that they aren't acting contrary to their true principles. The Left has never for an instant thought racism was inherently wrong. Like everything else, it's a power dynamic to them.
After all, the Left is passionately dedicated to the idea that racial prejudice and discrimination are GOOD, provided the people subjected to prejudice, hatred, and discriminatory treatment are white or Asian. This isn't just a talking point - it's a core policy element.
"Racism" to Democrats is the result of a power and political calculation, not an absolute evil. Honestly, they've never really pretended otherwise. Hoodwinked voters just forget about it sometimes, or give institutionalized Dem racism a pass because they "mean well."
If you are a Democrat voter, you have accepted the principle that racial discrimination and prejudice are instruments that can be used to good effect in the hands of your wise rulers. Highly educated elites can use racism to correct historical wrongs and seek social justice.
Racism is the uranium pulsing at the heart of the Left's entire grievance-based power plant. All of their power grabs are based on making prejudicial assumptions about people with certain skin colors, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, etc.
It's somewhat amusing to hear Dems vomit the Uncle Tom slander at Tim Scott when the highest ideal of the modern Left is the subdued white person who performatively hates and despises other white people, giving a sheen of self-loathing legitimacy to left-wing racism.
But seriously, if you pull that racism core out of the Left's ideological power plant - if we resolve that all discrimination and unequal treatment based on race is wrong, all are judged as individuals, and everyone is responsible for what we do - the whole thing goes dark.
The Democrat Party would lose BILLIONS if America completely rejected racism on principle. No more luxury real estate and lavish junkets for BLM organizers. No more vast government social justice programs and slush funds stuffed with taxpayer cash. Academia would collapse.
So it's not "hypocrisy" for Dems to hurl racist invective at Tim Scott. They're wholly dedicated to the prospect of "racism" and "anti-racism" as political calculations. He's a Republican, so he isn't really black. He's an obstacle to "righteous" power.
People like Tim Scott must be destroyed so the wise elites of the Democrat Party can use the humming lightsaber of righteous racism - the good kind of racism, the proper kind of prejudice, the wise judgment of Americans by skin color - to carve out social justice. /end
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