Peoples complete unwillingness or in some cases possible inability to understand how voting for Holyrood works puts me right off the idea of Scottish Independence. Aye we’re all so woke and liberal. Thick as mince as well. Honestly.
Whether ye like Salmond and the Alba party or not the logic behind giving your list vote to an indy party that is NOT the SNP is solid - that is assuming what you want is another vote on Scottish Independence.
“If the SNP don’t get a majority it’s Salmonds egos fault” is simply wrong. If the SNP don’t get a majority in the parliament from the constituencies alone the only person to blame will be she who can do no wrong in so many eyes - Big Nicky ‘I own the legal system’ Sturgeon
And just while I’m here (probably going to delete this thread later anyway) you voters so in love with Sturgeon remind me so much of trump supporters. Doesn’t matter what she does. Doesn’t matter what she says. Doesn’t matter about evidence. Nicola all the way.
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